The Activities management page is the main hub of the application.  To access this page, simply click the "Activities" icon on the left navigation bar.  From here, you can manage and create all of your activities.  

Creating New Activities

To create a new Lumiere activity from the landing page:

  1. Click the "+ Add New Activity" tile.
  2. Enter a name for the activity.
  3. Optionally, choose a category to add your activity to.  (If you'd like to add the activity to a new category, you can do it on the next page)
  4. Click the "Add Activity" button.

Once the activity has been created, you'll be taken to the "Design Activity" page.  From here, you can configure your activity's options as needed, including adding video(s), toggling data collection features, and managing your panel.

Activity Video(s) Management

You can add up to 10 videos to an activity.  However, keep in mind that there is a fundamental difference between single video and multi video activities.  

Single video activities (1 video) are intended to collect deep feedback on specific elements in one video.  The main intention of multi video activities (2-10 videos) is to collect comparative behavioral data about a group of videos.  Because of this, available data collection options vary between single video and multi video activities.
NOTE: If you need to collect deep element feedback on more than one video, we suggest creating more than one single video activities.

Adding Videos

To add video(s) to your activity, click the "Add Video" button.  

If you have previous uploaded videos to your account (either through the Videos management page or another activity), you can select them for inclusion in this activity in the "Video Library" tab.  After selecting the video(s) you want to include, click the "Add Selected" button at the bottom of the dialog box to add them to the activity.

If you'd like to upload an entirely new video to this activity:

  1. Switch to the "Upload Video" tab
  2. Click the "Upload Files" button to select the video(s) you want to upload.  
  3. After choosing your video files, you'll see an upload progress indicator.  Don't close this window or leave the page while your uploading, or your upload will be cancelled.  
  4. When the upload process is complete, the video selection dialog box will automatically close and your files will appear in the activity with a black background while they are processed and converted to the corrected formats (this can take a while depending on file type, size and length - see Recommended File Formats for more info).  
  5. Once your video has begun processing, you are free to close the window or leave the page.
TIP: Remember to save your activity after adding or updating your videos!

Removing Videos

To remove a video from your activity, simply hover over it's thumbnail and click the Trash icon.

Changing the Order of Videos

When designing a multi-video activity, you can change the order of the videos as they will be presented to participants.  

To reorder videos:

  1. Hover over a video's thumbnail
  2. Click and hold the Move icon
  3. Drag the video to the new location in the playlist

If you'd prefer the order of your videos to be randomized for each particpant, check the "Randomize the order of videos presented to participants" toggle box at the bottom of the videos management area. 

Linear vs Non-Linear Viewing

By default, in a single video activity, participants must watch the video from beginning to end and cannot skip around (scrub) to different points in the video.  If you want to allow participants to move freely through your video, you can enable this by checking the "Allow participants to scrub forward and backward through the video" toggle box at the bottom of the video management area.  When this option is enabled, we collect and visualize additional engagement data as participants move through the video.  Some data collection options, such as Overall Ratings and Timed Questions, are not available when this option is enabled.

In multi video activities, scrubbing is enabled by default and cannot be turned off.

Features & Data Collection Options

You can collect a variety of data within your activities.  

Read about Features & Data Collection Options.


You can ask participants questions before or after your activity, at specific moments in a video, or repeatedly at regular timed intervals.  Certain questions types can also be used to create Comparison Groups for filtering and comparing your data outputs.

Read about Question Types.

Panel Management

You can manage the people taking your survey with a few options within the Panel Management tab on the Design Activity page.

Setup a Completion Redirect

At the end of an activity, participants are shown an "Exit Activity" button that, by default, links them to  You can easily custom this default redirect link:

  1. Click the "Panel Management" tab.
  2. Under Completion Redirect, enter a new URL in the "Redirection Link" box.  Make sure to enter a fully qualified URL, meaning the link should include any http:// or https:// designation at the beginning and a trailing slash ( / ).
NOTE: If you need to customize the redirect link for each participant, see Integrating Lumière with other surveys & workflows.

Upload a Panel

If you have an existing panel that you'd like to invite into your Lumière activity, you can import a CSV file with their information and Lumière will generate customized links for them.  Or if you have additional data on your panelists from another source (such as external survey software), you also can import that data in CSV format and use it to filter  and compare your data in Insights.

In both cases, you'll need to upload a specially formatted CSV file:

  1. Click the "Panel Management" tab.
  2. Click the Upload a Panel icon.
  3. In the box that pops up, click the Upload CSV File button and choose the file you want to import.  Your file will begin uploading.
  4. When your file finishes uploading, you'll see a summary of fields and values included in the file.  Review this for accuracy and check with fields should be imported by toggling the "Include in Lumiere" checkbox for each field.  You can also rename the fields here before they are imported.
  5. At the bottom of the window, select which field contains the Participant Identifier (see note below for more information), then click the Proceed button to complete the import.

Notes on CSV import file format

It's important to properly clean and format your CSV file prior to importing it.  Here are some tips and guidelines to ensure a successful import:
  • Row Format: Each row should represent one participant and MUST include a participant id field.  If you're matching an external data set to your Lumière participants, that participant id MUST match the ID that was provided as part of the participant's activity link.  See Integrating Lumière with other surveys & workflows for more information.
  • Column Format: Columns should represent questions, demographic data, or a participant identifier.
  • Remove unnesseary data:  Only import data for the participants that are actually taking your Lumiere activity.  Remove data columns that you don't intend to filter your outputs on.  Imported an unnecessarily large file might cause unexpected problems or force your import to take much longer than it should.
  • Avoid open-ended questions:  Remember that imported data is intended for creating output filters and comparison groups.  Importing columns with open-ended text type responses is not useful and might cause your outputs to respond more slowly than normal.  
  • Avoid grid type questions: Grid type questions do not translate well to CSV format.  Consider breaking grid type questions into multiple columns in your file.
  • Replace blank values: Blank cell values in import files are not imported and there is no way to filter on them.  If blank values in a column indicate a 'non-reponse', but you'd still like to be able to filter on them, consider replacing those values with a text placeholder such as "No response" prior to upload.
  • Avoid sensitive information: Unless absolutely neccessary for filtering purposes, avoid importing sensitive or personally identifiable information for your participants.

Activity Organization: Categorization and Tagging

If you're creating more than a handful of activities, you should consider using some of the tools Lumière offers to help keep things organized.

Title & Description

You can change your activity's title by clicking on the pencil icon next to the title and updating the text.  Similiarly, you can enter an activity description in the Activity Description textbox.

Activity Category

Click on the Activity Category drop down to select a category for your activity.  You can choose from the list of previously created categories, or select "Add New" to create an entirely new category.

Activity Tags

You can attach as many tags to your activity as you'd like.  To enter a new tag, click in the Activity Tags textbox, enter your desired tag name and hit the enter or tab key.  To remove a tag from your activity, simply click the x on the tag you'd like to remove.

For more information on how these tools can help you manage your activity collection, see managing your activities.

Testing, Launching and Closing

Previewing and testing

When you have finished adding your video(s) and setting up your data collection features, it's time to preview your activity.  To see a preview of your activity, click the "Preview" button at the bottom of the Design Activity page.  You'll be taken to the participant screen for your activity.  For testing your activity while integrating with third-party software via passthrough, see integrating Lumière with other surveys and workflows.

Note: While previewing your activity in test mode, any data you enter will not be included in outputs the Insights page and your session will not be included the activity statistics.

Launching your activity

When you're satisfied that your activity is setup just the way you want it, it's time to prepare your activity for launch.  Launching your activity will make your activity publicly accessible through the activity link.  To prepare for launch, click the "Schedule Launch" button at the bottom of the Design Activity page.

Note: Once your activity has launched, it cannot be edited.

See launching an activity for more information.