From the My Activities page, you have a number of options for filtering through and managing your activities.

Searching and Filtering

Search by Title

To search for activities by title, click the search box at the top of the left sidebar and begin typing your search term.  Activities will filter autmatically as you type.  To reset the view, remove your search or click the "All Activities" tab at the top of the sidebar.

Filter by Category

To show only the activities belonging to a specific category, expand the "Categories" tab in the sidebar and choose which category you'd like to filter on. To reset the view, click the "View All" link or click the "All Activities" tab at the top of the sidebar.

Filter by Tag

To show only the activities associated with a specific tag, expand the "Tags" tab in the sidebar and choose which tag you'd like to filter on. To reset the view, click the "Clear Selected Tags" link or click the "All Activities" tab at the top of the sidebar.

Filter by Status

To show only the activities in a certain status, click the status name you want to filter on at the top right of the page. To reset the view, click the "All" status link or click the "All Activities" tab at the top of the sidebar.


To show only the activities which have been moved to the trash, click the "Trash" tab in the sidebar.  To reset the view, click the "All Activities" tab at the top of the sidebar.

Activity Management Quick Actions

From the My Activities page, a number of "quick action" links are available by hovering your mouse over an activity's tile.  The available actions might vary between activities and depends on the activity's status.

Discard (Trash icon)

Move the activity to the trash.

Share (Chain icon)

Get the participant link for your activity.  See getting participants into your activities.  Only available to activities in field.

Preview (Eye icon)

Preview your activity in test mode.  Only available to activities which have videos attached to them.

Restore (Arrow icon)

Restore an activity that has been deleted.  Only available to activities which have been moved to the trash.