When you're satisfied that your activity is setup just the way you want it, it's time to prepare your activity for launch.  Launching your activity will make your activity publicly accessible through the activity link.  To prepare for launch, click the "Schedule Launch" button at the bottom of the Design Activity page.

Note: Once your activity has launched, it cannot be edited.

There are a few options for scheduling your activity's launch:

  • Immediately: Your activity will launch into Fielding status and become available instantly.
  • Manually Start: Your activity will launch when you tell it to.
  • On a Specific Date/Time: Your activity will launch on a specific date and time.

Closing your activity

When you've collected all of your participant's reponses, and you'd like for your activity to no longer be available to for new completions, you can close it.  You have a few options for closing your activity, which can be accessed during the "Schedule Launch" setp before your activity launches, or by clicking "Schedule Finish" after your activity has already launched: 

  • Immediately: Your activity will close immediately and no longer be available to participants.
  • Manually: Your activity will close when you tell it to.
  • On a Specific Date/Time: Your activity will close on a specific date and time.
  • When the Response Quota is Met: Your activity will close after a certain number of completions have been collected.