If you're an administrator for your Lumière account, you can manage the users who have access to your activities and videos.
To get started, click the users tab on the left.
On the Users screen, you'll see a list of all the active users on your account.
To add a new users, click the "Create New" link at the top. To update an existing user, click on their name in the list.
User Options
A User can upload, edit and delete videos, create and manage activities, and view Insights for all activities on your account.Admin
An Admin can do everything a User can, but can also manage the other users on your account. Use caution when granting this permission.New users are Active by default, but can be flagged as Inactive at any time. Inactive users cannot access resources within your Lumière account. A user can be Deleted entirely be selecting the user, then using the "Delete" link at the top right of their record. Activities and videos associated with a Deleted user will be automatically reassigned to another Active user.